Hi there, my name is Bianca-Amor van Rhyn. I'm just an old soul, in a 27 year old's body. I am in pursuit of a wholesome life by expressing myself creatively. My rugby player/ flight fanatic-husband and I, moved from sunny Cape Town to grey Manchester for his brand new rugby career at the Sale Sharks. I've never been to England before, but when he asked me to join him on this adventure, I did not hesitate for a moment!
So here we are, 8 months later, happily settled in our little English cottage in Altrincham, Manchester. I have decided to write a couple of blogs, in order to channel all the wonderful things that I am experiencing while living abroad. I am young, I come from a middle-class background in a second world country, and before the age of 23, I did not have the chance to travel much. Now that Ernst and I live close enough to Europe, we are making up for lost time! So, here we go. I will be documenting some of the special adventures I have experienced so-far, along with bits of the things I love - home, art and of course fashion. If you (hopefully) haven't noticed, I am no writer, and English is my second language, so bear with me haha, and you might just be inspired to try something new!
Much love,